"Angry Son", a Japanese film by director Kasho Iizuka won "Most Promising Talent Award" in Osaka Asian Film Festival 2022 after made its world premiere on 12 March 2022
Director Kasho depicts the story of Jungo (starring by "Kazuki Horike" from "Tokyo Revengers", "L-DK Two Loves Under One Roof", "A Story to Read When You First Fall In Love"), a high school student who living with his Filipino mother (starring by Maria Theresa Gow, a British-Filipino actress from Ultraman Gaia series) who works at a nightclub. Jungo keep searching his real father and also finding the value of love in homosexual relationship with his Japanese classmate at school.
The film put many interesting issues to reveal the Filipino life in Japan and how the foreigners like half Filipino or Brazilian who may be treated differently and lack of power to claim the.equal rights in society, discrimination problem as well as the acceptance of sexual minorities in today Japan. The pressures in his life make him struggling wildly against his family but turned bright at the end.