JOTARO SAITO announced the new collection in Tokyo Kimono Collection 2023

The beauty of traditional and modernity were blended elegantly through the Kimono and accessories, one of the charming looks from JOTARO SAITO at Tokyo Kimono Collection 2023. It was held at Muromachi Mitsui Hall on 30 September 2023.

Kimono designer Jotaro SAITO walking on the runway after released his latest collection with a theme "Party" in Tokyo Kimono Collection 2023.

Jotaro Saito was born in an artistic family in Kyoto, the members of which had established the foundation for modern dye artists. His late grandfather was one such artist, Saizaburo Saito, and his father is Sansai Saito, a modern kimono designer.

Since his debut at the age of 27 as one of kimono's youngest designers, Jotaro Saito pursued "kimono as fashion matched with modern space."

Repeatedly featured in the mass media such as TV and magazines, he is energetically involved as a kimono designer. Today, he demonstrates his talent in various fields ranging from the products to interior design, proposing "a lifestyle that you can enjoy Japaneseness."

The new collection is announced on the runway with mini party with Violin concert at the venue. Many renowned Kimono celebrities also attended the show.

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