The tradition and "old value" were adopted and passed from generations to generations, apparently in Asia no one dare to discuss or do against it.
To offer the ritual dance at a local spirit shrine, after one who prayed for success and his wish was granted, four teenagers gathered and learn to practice Thai traditional dance with a transgender Thai dancer as their trainer.
"Tang Wong" is the name of a Thai traditional dance form by put the hands in front of body before start performing. The youngters thought that this gesture is similar to Japanese superheroes when they gathered the team and posed before saving the world mission.
In Thailand, people still believed in sacred spiritual power and the oldies taught the youngers that "If you don't believed it, just ignore it and don't criticize it negatively". The film also set the bloody political turmoils as background when the red shirt activists protesting the government and military on the street in 2010, without cheer any side, but they all witnessed calmly what happened in the land of smiles.
Directed by Kongdej Jaturonrasamee (Girl From Nowhere, Where we Belong). Althought the movie set the question to Thai culture, but Ministry of Culture funded the film, became one of the rare movies in Thailand, to represent what local youngsters set the questions to the old value in rapidly changing society which is still conducted by the form of tradition like the name of the film.
During the Japanese manga, K-Pop dance and import brands increasing its popularity in Thailand and "Thai-ness" became out-of-date among youngters, even wearing Thai traditional dress out in public sounds weird. "What is (very) Thai-ness and Thai culture" is another hint to remind us in the film.
CROSSCUT ASIA Delicious! Online Film Festival which will be held from January 21st to February 3rd, 2022 jointly presented by Tokyo International Film Festival organisation @tokyo_intl_film_festival and the Japan Foundation Asia Center.
"Tang Wong" will be showing for free of charge (except Thailand), check it out on the website
Image: ©Song Sound Production