Maison SHUN ISHIZAWA by a Japanese designer Shun Ishizawa from Hokkaido, released its 2024 SPRING/SUMMER collection, continuely tells a new inspiration through many attractive "Yokai" (Japanese monsters from folktales) motifs and its fiercest embroideries with Japanese style punk influences.
The concept is the pursuit of sophisticated martial arts. Discovering the elegance hidden in the masculine ruggedness, it sublimates into a ruggedness that fascinates people. Pursuing and refining such elegant ruggedness. Swipe to see all looks.
Photographer: ISHIN
Stylist: Yudai Chinosawa/Ten10 Co., Ltd.
Hair stylist: Naoaki Kawakubo
Model: Célia, RitsukiStylist: Yudai Chinosawa/Ten10 Co., Ltd.
Hair stylist: Naoaki Kawakubo